Walking your dog shouldn't be a chore! 

What if… your dog walked nicely on a leash? Not because you have the newest fancy dog walking gadget, and not because you have a pocket full of the latest greatest dog treats... No, your dog is happily following you down the street because your dog thinks you are awesome. What would that be like? Well, for Heather and her dog Abel it gave her the confidence to walk her reactive dog with other dogs on a pack walk! Image that! And now you can experience this with your dog!

  Was: $147  
Now only: $47!
Heather V and Abel

  “I am still in awe of what happened yesterday with Able. I have been thinking about it and I realize that if I had not done your workshop, chances are I would not have experienced that moment. I do not let Able off leash when we are out due to his running and poor recall. Due to his "reactivity", I have become quite apprehensive to let him interact with other dogs (which makes things worse). There is a lot of "good" dog and potential there. Thank you so much, Tracy”

I know you need this...

Because I AM you. I understand how busy, crazy your life is, and your walk with your dog shouldn't be another thing on your to-do list. Something that you *have to do*. Instead, it should be your escape, your time to relax and enjoy a wonderful experience with your dog, right? But having your dog walk nicely with you on a leash not only makes for an enjoyable walk but, (and I am honest here) it also makes you feel pretty great when people whisper: "Wow, look at how good that dog is!"

People often comment on how good my dogs are, especially when we are out on a leash. And now you can have that too! 

Wow Your Walk and be the envy of all your dog-loving friends!
Do you...

Dread taking your dog out for a walk because you know your dog is going to pull and yank you everywhere down the street?

Avoid going for walks when it’s busy or do you only walk late at night in hopes you won’t see any other dogs or people, squirrels or cats?

And have you...

Tried all the tricks and dog training tools only to find your dog still pulls and lunges or otherwise ignores you while on leash?

What if...

I told you there was a way to get your dog to WANT to follow you on leash, without harsh leash corrections, about turns, (because honestly how do you get anywhere if you always have to turn and go the other way?) heel commands, and Pez dispenser type treat training. Can you imagine how much easier your walk would be if your dog followed you because you are awesome? Well, now you can have it!

My Goal 

To help dog lovers understand their dog and make their lives easier.

You are enough. It's true. You don't need to have all the newest and fanciest dog training gear or treat pouches. You don't need the best dog training treats to have your dog walk well with you on a leash. Nope! You are enough. You can be a tremendous influence in your dog's life. And once you do that, well, your dog will follow you anywhere. On-leash training becomes so easy. Why? Because it’s easy to leash train a dog that WANTS to follow you.

Hi, my name is Tracy and I have been living with and working with packs of dogs for over 25 years. My specialty isn’t training dogs but rather teaching people how to LIVE with their dogs in a harmonious way. What does that mean for you, my fellow dog lover? Well, it means I am going to teach you how to get what you really want. A good dog. (Isn’t that really what we all want?) Not a robot dog that stares at you waiting for the next treat to come.

My dogs are real. They aren’t highly trained or even that “obedient” by dog training standards. They sleep in my bed, get on my furniture and I talk to them like they are people. Because…


 BUT… They are GOOD dogs. They are easy and a joy to be around. And I can take them just about anywhere. And most of all. Anyone can walk them. Even my kids!

And now I am sharing all my secrets to a stress-free enjoyable
walk with your dog! Get “Wow Your Walk” today for only $47!

Inside Wow Your Walk You Will Learn...


I am going to share with you my popular F.O.R. Framework for living with dogs. This is the framework that allows me to have 18 untrained GOOD dogs. Yes, I said 18. And they are all #justgooddogs. That’s not a fluke or luck. That's the F.O.R. Framework. This is so important whether you are a pack of 2 or 20 the F.O.R. Framework makes living with dogs so much easier! 


This is a game-changer for your dog walk. Once you can put a feel to your leash tension and touch pressure you will become an expert at on-leash communication. (even a lot of dog trainers miss this!)


In “Wow Your Walk!” we are going to break down the zones of the dog so you can understand how your body position affects your dog’s behaviour. Are you in the right position to influence your dog? You can totally change the outcome of your walk by just changing your body position! Find out how!

But Also included...

Before you head out on your walk 

A great walk starts long before you open the door. Find out how you can set up you and your dog for success each and every walk!

The exercises that make you Awesome (to your dog) 

 These are not training drills or obedience commands. Learn some fun exercises that you can do with your dog that will have your dog asking for more!

Leash handling FINESSE 

Communication over control. Your leash should speak to your dog not just prevent them from pulling. Learn how to finesse your on-leash communication and you are your dog will both be much happier! 

 Instructional demos including: 

  •  The Pass-by: Learn how you can help your reactive or shy dog pass through crowded or narrow spots with ease 
  •  The Meet and Greet: The proper way you should meet people and other dogs while on leash. 
  •  How to walk multiple dogs at one time: If you have more than one dog you need to learn these techniques!

What you get...

  •  Quick and easy to complete instructional videos (most are under 15 minutes.) 
  •  Hands-on videos and behind-the-scenes videos with Apollo, Paris, Chuckles and others from my pack! (Apollo is my most hyperactive and distracted dog!)
  •  Handy workbook for notes and the story of Jayce, the husky that changed my life! 
  •  Demo videos and How to’s! 

Get Control of your Walk now for only $47!

Your walk with your dog CAN be fun and easy

With “Wow Your Walk”, I am going to show you how to create a great walk WITHOUT:

  •  tons of obedience commands  
  •  hours of training time  
  •  fancy food pouches  (unless you like them!) or even 
  • crazy dog training tools  (just a leash and collar) 

 Blow your dog’s mind and become someone worth following!  

 And the best part is, once you learn the secret to creating an amazing on-leash relationship with your dog, it expands beyond your leash to your everyday life. Training gets easier!

Tell me, Is your dog...
The Social Butterfly?
Everyone's my favourite!!! 

Your dog may be the life of the party but it’s hard to get from point A- B when your dog wants to visit every person, dog, and fire hydrant out there! Let’s get some focus back on you! .

High Prey Drive Dog?

 Your dog may be a secret agent ninja squirrel hunter but you still need to be able to hold on to the leash and get that attention back. Let’s learn how you can “be the bigger squirrel” in your dog's life!  

Sniffy McSnifferson
to sniff or not too... nah sniff! 

 Your dog may love to check that pee mail, but wouldn’t you like to be CC’d on that info? But seriously, to sniff or not to sniff? That is the question and “Wow Your Walk” has the answers!

  • I have done training before and it's not working. What makes this program different?
    Wow Your Walk™ is not obedience training for your dog. It is learning how you can be the most amazing, interesting person in your dog’s life! With Wow Your Walk™ your dog will be so excited to walk with YOU! Not because you have treats and not because you have fancy dog training tools but because you are awesome (to your dog!).
  • My dog is super high energy and has lots of prey drive? Will Wow Your Walk” work for me?
    The short answer is YES! In Wow Your Walk™ you are going to learn to meet your dog where they are, rather than trying to get them to be something that they are not. Truth time: you can not train the genetics out of your dog. You can harness it and be a part of it. And once you have incorporated what you learn in “Wow Your Walk” you are going to find your dog is looking to you for the next adventure!
  • Do you offer a guarantee?
    No. Your success depends on you. What I can guarantee is that you won't find another trainer anywhere that cares more about you and your dog's success than me. I am only a message away or a post in our free Facebook group Living Beyond Obedience!
  • How does it work?
    1.Click BUY NOW

    2.Create your student account and password through Thinkific (that is where the course is).

    3.Log in and start. You can go at your own pace and rewind, as necessary!

    Enjoy your dog walks even more by tomorrow

Hey Dog Lover!

 I know how frustrating and embarrassing it can be to walk a dog that is pulling you all over! But you can finally put an end to that today. Learn the secrets to becoming amazing to your dog, and will your dog walk nicely on a leash and follow you anywhere! Wow Your Walk is that powerful! Watch how your relationship with your dog explodes when you learn how to really connect with your dog on a leash. Don’t have time to “train”? Hey, I hear you! Hey, I am you! That’s why I created this mini program to help you learn the secrets to a good walk and in all honesty, a great relationship with your dog

Special Considerations...
  • What if my dog suffers from anxiety, fearfulness or aggression? Will Wow Your Walk™ work for them?
    While I do believe that Wow Your Walk™ works for most dogs, if you are struggling with extreme behaviour problems like aggression or extreme anxiety, please seek professional help from a reputable trainer in your area. Wow Your Walk™ will not negatively affect your training, but it may not be the place to start
  • What if it doesn’t work? Do you offer refunds?
    Due to the digital nature of this program, we do not offer refunds. However, you can always reach out to me by email if you are struggling. Help is only a message away!
  • What if I am already training with someone else? Will “Wow Your Walk” mess up the training I have already done?
    Wow Your Walk™ is not an obedience program, therefore it will not interfere nor should it replace your current or previous training program. Wow Your Walk™ will build and strengthen your relationship with our dog and amplify your results.
So what are you waiting for?
A better walk is only a click away.
Fill in your contact information below and get started today! 
And I will see you in the program!

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Does your dog love to play?

Special one-time offer, only $27!
Does your dog love to play? Is play too rough? too intense? Not sure if your dog is being a bully? How do you know when you should step in? Learn how to create fun and safe play for your dog with the Dog Play Style Playbook.  You won't find this playbook anywhere else! 

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Wow Your Walk™$47

  • Total payment
  • 1xWow Your Walk™$47

All prices in USD